Skills/Compétences Canada (SCC) is hosting virtually the 16th National Skilled Trade and Technology Week from November 1 to 8, 2020, across all of their social media platforms. WHAT Skills/Compétences Canada (SCC) and its Member Organizations will be highlighting virtual events to raise awareness of skilled trade and technology careers to parents, youth and educators. On November 2, Skills Canada will start the week off with some special messages from SCC’s President, Alumni and industry partners, and a fun “Kahoot” Challenge to underline the importance of Essential Skills. The week’s activities will continue with messages from celebrities and influencers, Tips and Tutorials from Industry Professionals on Skills (TTIPs), engaging demonstrations, inspiring skills alumni stories, a compelling Twitter Chat hosted by The Holmes Group, a special segment on Tool Tips with HGTV’s Sebastian Clovis, a social media contest giveaway, and much more. SCC will also be putting the spotlight on its provincial/territorial Member Organizations and some of their fun and fantastic programming. You will see this throughout the week on SCC’s social media channels. This year, the theme is Digital as one of the nine plus one key Essential Skills. To see the full agenda of activities, click here. WHO Skills Canada is working with its partners, industry personalities including The Holmes Group and HGTV’s Sebastian Clovis, its Member Organizations and Skills Canada alumni to inform Canadians about the importance of skilled trade and technology careers. WHEN This national digital campaign will run from November 1 to 8, 2020 with an official launch on Monday, November 2nd. WHERE SCC will be posting this content on their social media platforms including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and LinkedIn. #NSTTW2020 ABOUT SKILLS/COMPÉTENCES CANADA Skills Canada was founded in 1989 as a national, not-for-profit organization with partner Skills Canada organizations in each of the provinces/territories that work with employers, educators, labour groups and governments to promote skilled trade and technology careers among Canadian youth. Its unique position among private and public-sector partners enables it to work toward securing Canada’s future skilled labour needs while helping young people discover rewarding careers. Skills Canada offers experiential learning opportunities including skilled trade and technology competitions for hundreds of thousands of young Canadians through regional, provincial/territorial, national and international events, as well as skilled trade awareness programs. Headquartered in Ottawa, Ontario, Skills/Compétences Canada is the Canadian member organization of WorldSkills. For more information, visit Follow Skills/Compétences Canada on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Flickr, Instagram and LinkedIn. Media Contact: Michèle Rogerson,, 343-883-7545 ext. 509.